Friday, July 8, 2011

Father dies at Rangers game

You probably know. It is all over the news. The dear little boy. My boys love their daddy! I can't imagine. You can see how much this daddy loved his son. There they were in baseball gear three hours from their home. This dad probably dreamed of times like this on the day of his son's ultrasound. Who knows about his wife and if he has other children at home. Amazing that after a major head injury that this father said, "My son is alone up there." My thoughts quickly went to his son and what those first four hours must have been like before someone could get there for him.
This tragedy was played out in public. I believe with all my heart that those in this child's life are going to "get it" if he isn't doing so well, if he needs time or counseling. And because orphans and adoption are always on my mind, I thought about how egocentric we are as a society. How often has someone looked at me like I have three heads when I try to explain that a child losing their parent at any time is always tragic. When they are too young to have words to explain this primal wound...ugh! Dear kids!

Should I not even go there with the insensitive behaviors of the announcers? Why is it ok to act as if fans are stupid? Without fans, would announcers have jobs? How often do professional athletes make the news for stupid behavior? Often enough. I am sure these announcers feel horrible and stupid. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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