Monday, March 4, 2013

Shed a little light...

Let's be frivolous for a minute. We have moved. In our new to us house there are some low spots that aren't working so well for the Mr. First area that needs to be fixed is the dining room light. I'd love to show you where it is going and what I am hoping to find, but Google+ doesn't like my name???? so I can't show you anything. The deal is: the dining room ceiling has this double tiered flower cut-out that fits around the chandelier mounting. The cut-out is made of wood and is freshly painted white. The flower looks pretty much like a flower I'd draw if I were to doodle on the side of my page. Now I need to find a flush mount light to go in it. Got any ideas? Do I go trite and get a ball that looks like a flower center or do I go serious and pretend I didn't notice it was a flower....