Saturday, July 13, 2013

One year ago today I woke to the sound of men praising God. Dogs were barking and a rooster crowed. The air was just a little bit damp and just a little bit cold. Exhaust, a city smell, mixed with wood burning hung in the air. I looked out my window and saw children scurrying back and forth from their little bedrooms to a sink outside. I tried to zero in on their little faces. I quickly and quietly dressed, so I wouldn't wake the six children I had brought with me. I went outside and stood by the door of a small playroom. One by one I met my new children. Quiet and shy and so small! Sweet little faces and rough little hands. I didn't take my camera. I wanted this to be private and I wanted to focus. Just us.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Poor little bloggy...

You will have to wait. I am taking my little boy by the hand and going for a walk. You'll still be here. ;o)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Shed a little light...

Let's be frivolous for a minute. We have moved. In our new to us house there are some low spots that aren't working so well for the Mr. First area that needs to be fixed is the dining room light. I'd love to show you where it is going and what I am hoping to find, but Google+ doesn't like my name???? so I can't show you anything. The deal is: the dining room ceiling has this double tiered flower cut-out that fits around the chandelier mounting. The cut-out is made of wood and is freshly painted white. The flower looks pretty much like a flower I'd draw if I were to doodle on the side of my page. Now I need to find a flush mount light to go in it. Got any ideas? Do I go trite and get a ball that looks like a flower center or do I go serious and pretend I didn't notice it was a flower....

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Just in case you ever wondered...

When I was younger it seems my friends and I would talk about pioneer times without realizing that the problems of those times still exist today in other places. Obviously as adults we know this...right? Seems like people would often say, "Yeah, during pioneer times people lost lots of kids to death...they probably just accepted it as a way of life..." I would often respond with, "You can't be serious. How could you get used to that. I disagree. I don't think they were ever ok with death." So just in case you ever wondered. Today it was called to our attention that five children in my daughter's class at school had lost their parents and been adopted. When I was discussing this with my son who has been in those shoes, his response was not, "How cool that all those kids were adopted." NO. He said, "Ohhhh, that is so terrible! In __________ each morning when I woke up I would hear about who died last night. EVERY DAY people died. DIED,DIED, DIED. It was soooo America I do not know death."

Friday, August 31, 2012

Joys of the Newcomer

catching five fish, riding the zipline and swimming all before 7:30 am on the first morning in America Spin brushes Those little keebler elves driving a schoolbus

Monday, August 27, 2012

Inspiring Snoopy laughter

You know that part in the Peanuts cartoons when Snoopy is overcome with the giggles...One of my new little guys is seven years old. The other day his brother, age ten, having been out of the country for more than a month, needed a haircut in the worst way. Walmart was the easiest option, but I was concerned about taking my new little seven year old to a place like that. OK,he has never seen that much food in his life. We would get the haircur, buy some yogurt and leave. Suddenly in the aisle my seven year old is overcome with a case of the giggles. Like hold your gut and stagger kind of giggling! It was the Keebler Elves and their yellow cardboard schoolbus! These kids love cars and to see those dumb elves driving a bus full of cookies was too much. I will always get a case of joyful, giddy giggles as long as I live when I see one of those back to school displays! Adorable! Just as playing on the playground equipment!